workplace safety

美 [ˈwɜːrkpleɪs ˈseɪfti]英 [ˈwɜːkpleɪs ˈseɪfti]
  • 工作场所安全
workplace safetyworkplace safety
  1. Workplace safety remained a serious problem , particularly in the mining industry .


  2. Chapter one summarize definition and the origin of the workplace safety and health regulation . Then make out the significance of studying .


  3. Strengthen accountability for workplace safety


  4. We will comprehensively improve product quality and enhance workplace safety .


  5. Safety-related systems in normal operation , to correct the fault response , improved workplace safety .


  6. Workplace safety and market oversight were strengthened .


  7. We will implement the accountability system for workplace safety and resolutely prevent serious and major accidents .


  8. We should improve the public safety system and the workplace safety environment in enterprises to curb major and very serious accidents .


  9. Advertisements about workplace safety were put up on major transport carriers and broadcast on radio and television .


  10. Last April , Australia 's Productivity Commission considered the cost of bullying in a report on workplace safety .


  11. The accident is the deadliest this year in China , where pressure is building for greater scrutiny of workplace safety .


  12. We will get enterprises to assume primary responsibility for workplace safety and product quality , and resolutely curb major workplace accidents .


  13. We will strengthen the oversight and supervision of food and drug quality . We will ensure workplace safety and reduce the occurrence of major accidents .


  14. We intensified efforts to ensure workplace safety and achieved reductions in the number of total accidents , serious and major accidents , and accidents in key industries .


  15. Even staffers in charge of medium-sized departments have part of their salaries tied to green goals , as well as goals involving workplace safety and diversity .


  16. As an important component of mine safety regulation , workplace safety regulations policies caused widespread concern in academic circles and acquied a series of research results in developed countries .


  17. He urged governments at various levels to learn " the lesson paid for with blood " and conduct a thorough overhaul targeting workplace safety to eliminate potential hazards .


  18. From the angle of this paper , the game analysis of workplace safety regulation in the relationship between various interest subjects , is more advantageous to explain and dispose workplace safety problems .


  19. While you 're reading it , note any topics you need further clarification on such as performance management , attendance , promotions , salary adjustments or workplace safety .


  20. With social and economic production technology and population structure of the development and changes of workplace safety regulation theory frame and mature and perfect the system of the research methods and research content increased and more abundant .


  21. The things we often take for granted-Social Security and Medicare , workplace safety laws and the right to organize for better pay and benefits , even weekends-we didn 't always have these things .


  22. We must strictly enforce laws and regulations on workplace safety , fully implement the responsibility system for it , and resolutely prevent the occurrence of major and very serious work-related accidents .


  23. The aim of coal mine safety regulation is " depress the date rates , promote the workplace safety ", but facing the continuous big accident , we will suspect the availability of coal mine regulation .


  24. Big business is gearing up for a fight with the Obama administration over a workplace safety regulation that it claims could have a sweeping and costly impact on companies ranging from manufacturers to law firms .


  25. HONG KONG & With its stock near a high and its latest iPhone expected to be introduced on Tuesday , Apple is facing new accusations of violations of labor rights and workplace safety at a supplier in China .


  26. HONG KONG - With its stock near a high and its latest iPhone expected to be introduced on Tuesday , Apple is facing new accusations of violations of labor rights and workplace safety at a supplier in China .


  27. To basically solve the problem of workplace safety , we must strengthen the construction of legal system and regime , and through the regime innovation , improvement and continuously perfection , to make an effective game equilibrium solution of the benefits among multi-stakeholders .


  28. Consulted where there are any changes that affect workplace and safety ;


  29. Did the supplier appointed a management representative responsible for workplace and safety , and accountable for the implementation of the health and safety elements of this standard ?


  30. Excessively skinny models have been a point of controversy for decades , and two researchers say a model 's body mass should be a workplace health and safety issue .
